More Bad Press for Susan G. Komen

It has been a rough year for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, although many would call the turmoil a self-inflicted wound. Earlier this year, under the direction of founder and CEO Nancy Brinker, the organization issued a public flop over funding of Planned Parenthood. Some affiliates saw fundraising decline by more than 10% and board members claiming that Brinker, alongside President Elizabeth Thompson, tarnished the Komen Brand.

Last week Brinker announced that she would step down as Chief Executive Officer in lieu of her lifetime board membership and chairmanship of the Komen Board Executive Committee, essentially retaining power over the organization.

Yesterday, Holly Hall of the Chronicle on Philanthropy reported the popularity of an online petition to oust the organizations founder from Komen entirely. The petition, hosted by, has approximately 220 signatures and as word spreads throughout the affiliates, the signees will likely increase.

For the Dallas-based Komen, the question lingers whether or not the organization’s brand can recover. For New York affiliate board member, Eve Ellis, the answer is no. “[Brinker] has destroyed the Komen brand.” 

​So far, Susan G. Komen representatives are not offering comment.